Selasa, 30 April 2019

Daily life #4 : Preparing for the first of May

Hi, welcome back to my blog. I'm so sorry for coming late for writing here. Well actually, I have finished the Crezy Rich Asian but I'm not ready yet for writing that reviews.

In this article, I would explain some stories about Carakde.

The picture was taken at the math class at Carakde. Kiki was interesting in math since the class began. He was difficult for counting some numbers because he needs other fingers for counting up to ten. Thats a simple reason why I try for teaching him about "Jarimatika". Jarimatika is a kind of counting methods only using our fingers and we can counting until 99. I have learned this method since 2014 when I was teaching the first grade of elementary school for learning "sempoa" but he needed the jarimatika's concept for understanding the sempoa's system. Actually, I write this Topic because I have seen "hitam putih" tweet about the children whose the winner of fast counting by using sempoa and suddenly I remember my student in 2014. I realized that we can learn anything from everyone not only from our teacher but also from students or environment.

Tomorrow Will be announced the delegate of YSEALI regional workshop with Empowering the southeast Asian educators.  I'm nervous, what the things would come to me. And I hope that I Will be selected because thats my dream program. Because I like teaching very much, I need a new things about teaching from many resources and educator experiences around the Asia.

Bdw, besok itu hari Buruh dan hari libur nasional, well semoga buruh-buruh di Indonesa semakin sejahtera ya

Thats all I hope tomorrow, some happiness news Will come in my email

#yseali2019 #Regionalworkshop #empoweringsoutheastasianeducators

April 30, 2019 / by / 0 Comments

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